ESP32-S3 Dev Board

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ESP32-S3 Dev Board

Post by parkview » Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:54 pm

I have been hanging out to try a ESP32-S3 MCU. I have been watching stock on LCSC over my last few orders, but none of the WROOM series are listed in stock, so after watching a Unexpected Maker video, I bit the bullet and decided to make my own Dev board. I wanted to have a go at adding SPI based 16MB Flash and 8MB PSRAM IC's. Al pins are broken out, except the special pins for the Flash/PSRAM pins. The board is trialling a smaller 3216 sized WiFi chip antenna. Never used it before, so it will be interesting to see how it performs. The S3 includes USB based built in UART, so that saves some money on not needing to include an external IC for that. All passives are 0402 sized, just for an extra bit of assembly fun.
ESP32-S3 Dev Board.jpg
ESP32-S3 Dev Board.jpg (106 KiB) Viewed 18143 times
Later I found out the modules are available on Mouser. UM has found that there is a bug in the S3 silicon, in that the internal UART doesn't auto reset after a program load. Thats fine for now, I can live with that.

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