Universal WiFi to IR Remote Control

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Universal WiFi to IR Remote Control

Post by parkview » Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:56 pm

This H-a-D project popped up last week. It made me think about the remotes we have scattered around the house. We love our Streaming movies/shows etc, so we have a mobile phone on hand, so wouldn't it be handy to be able to control the TV via your mobile phone?

Way back when I purchased a dongle for an iPhone 4 and it came with an app that is no longer supported, plus I would need an adapter for it to fit in the smaller lightning phone slot. But would be handy if I could just open a webpage and use a remote controller layout to control the TV. Sounds easy enough? Time will tell.
Universal_WiFi-to-IT_Remote_V0.5.jpg (69.35 KiB) Viewed 16697 times
This is a new area of play, so I am sure there might be a few PCB versions needed before I get this working well. To start with, I have designed an engineering test PCB so I can experiment with the IR and sensor technology. This includes:
1) a few 1206 sized IR transmitter LEDs (38KHz)
2) a 38KHz IR receiver/demodulator photodiode
3) a VL53L1 swipe/distance sensor. It would be great to be able to change the volume levels by swiping you hand in the air?
4) a SHTC3 temperature/humidity sensor
5) an accelerometer. I want to test out the cheap ST LiS2DH12 3-DoF sensor.
6) a small mag buzzer, hey, maybe we might want to set an alarm?
7) provision for a small i2C based OLED screen
8) four touch pads for emergency volume up/down and channel up/down
9) ESP32-C3-WROOM-02 MCU. All the available pins are being used

The final PCB will be 4-layer, but this one is done in 2-layers, so there isn't much of a ground plane left.

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