The Bussel3 - USB Power and RGB LED Output

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The Bussel3 - USB Power and RGB LED Output

Post by parkview » Sun May 30, 2021 6:19 pm

While participating at a Steamhead residency, I noticed that James like to solder up a special combination of USB input/output cables, an alligator clip and two JST-PH connectors, along with a healthy does of electrical tape to hold them all together.

I came across this combo again recently and though that this could all be made much easier using a PCB, so I created what became the Bussel3. For reference, the Bussel1 and Bussel2 design configurations didn't make it past the cardboard layout test. They where all the same electrically, just in different connector layouts. This board does not do any data voltage translation, so if you are imputing 3.3V data in you will have 3.3V outputted on the two PH connectors.

Here is a what the board looks like:
Bussel3_sml.jpg (43.41 KiB) Viewed 15330 times
Steamhead kindly sponsored the PCB and enough components for 50 PCB's to be made up:
USB-connector.jpg (64.7 KiB) Viewed 15330 times

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