Review: DL150W Electronic Load

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Review: DL150W Electronic Load

Post by parkview » Wed Feb 12, 2025 5:46 pm

If your designing up a power supply and various electronic devices, it's handy to be able to test them out by placing a load of some kind on the output. While back in 2015 I designed up a special battery monitor and load and it worked well, I had to program the settings in each time. While in Shenzhen, China, I needed a electronic load so I could check some DC-DC converter boards I was designing up. I knew about the DL150 range of electronic loads and while the Rigol electronic loads where nice, where way too expensive for my simple needs, so i went for a DL150W Electronic Load (example URL)
DL150W-eLoad.png (311.55 KiB) Viewed 2387 times
I used this quite a lot over the course of 6 months. I was impressed by it and the price, so I purchased one for my self and lugged it back home in my now bulging luggage. Now that I think about it, I have never used the WiFi side of things, only the colourful LCD display. It is simple and easy to use.

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