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Pinecil v2 Soldering Iron

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 1:19 pm
by parkview
I have been traveling a lot and luggage space is sometimes at a premium. A few years ago I purchased a smallish 240V temperature controlled soldering iron and that has been my handy travel companion. But I know I can go smaller. I recently purchased the Pinecil v2 USB-C based soldering iron and oh yes, it's so much smaller (other tools shown as a reference):
pinecil-v2.jpg (157.67 KiB) Viewed 21530 times

It can quickly be made shorter by pulling out the soldering tip and storing that separately. I used this a lot yesterday afternoon and ran it from my 45W USB power adapter with a USB-C cable that had a built in Watt meter. It showed me that it never needed to go past 22W, even when I was soldering a relatively heat soaking USB-A shield pins to a ground plane. It comes with a conical tip, not something that I prefer however I did order an extra chisel style tip which seems to be the closest I can get to my favorite tip. All of these where ordered from Phaser PV: here in Australia and the package arrived three days later. This is going to be a lot of joy to use when I am hacking away while on the road.